Kinsey Road Mound Preserve – Xenia, Ohio

I visited this small, quiet, and unique Adena Mound when I was attending the Amateur Radio Hamvention in 2017.  It is just about a 1/2 mile east of Xenia High School.  Take Highlander Drive south off of Kinsey Road.  These pictures were taken from the Mound Ct. Cul-de-sac just off of Highlander Drive.  You can park on the Cul-de-sac, but not directly in front of the mound entryway according to the road parking signs.   I was able to walk around the mound and see some of the encircling embankment which I believe may qualify this site to be called a Henge or Hengiform monument.  There are some trails that lead down to the Oldtown Creek and loop through the small preserve.  Lat/Long Coordinates are (39.710474,-83.912942).   Click on the images to see a larger view.

Kinsey Road Mound Preserve Sign
Kinsey Road Mound Preserve Sign on Mound Ct. Cul-de-sac
Kinsey Mound - View from Mound Ct. - Cul-de-sac
Kinsey Mound – View from Mound Ct. – Cul-de-sac
Sign of Kinsey Mound Historical Description
Kinsey Mound Historical Description

Field Day 2017

Loop Antenna, Tent, and Solar panel
Loop Antenna, Tent, and Solar panel

Rig was Yaesu FT-817 running 5 watts with NUE-PSK Modem.  12v power supplied by Duracell Powerpack 600 with a 30W solar panel charging the unit.  Antenna was Loop on a portable 10 meter high fiberglass composite mast.  The loop antenna and mast was manufactured in Germany by Walter Spieth (DK9SQ). Its official name: SQ Loop and Fiberglas Teleskop Tower.   The antenna tuner was a QRP 15 watt maximum Z match / transmatch sold as a kit: Emtech ZM-2.

Field Day - Tent and Solar panel
Tent and Solar panel
Field Day - Rig and Power setup
Rig and Power setup
Field Day - Loop Antenna
Loop Antenna