Williamson Adena Mound – Cedarville, Ohio

Here is another Adena mound that I visited while attending the Amateur Radio Hamvention in Xenia in 2017.  It is located off of U.S. Route 42 just west of Cedarville, Ohio. (full address: 2750 U.S. Route 42, Cedarville, Ohio). It is part of the Greene County Parks and Trails system and the same park has some other interesting features that I will report about in another post.

The park brochure states that this large and tall mound is believed to be a memorial to or a lookout for an ancient Adena community.  Perhaps greater than 30 feet high and 144 feet in diameter, the mound is located in an open meadow area.  It takes about ten  minutes to walk to the mound from the parking area with the Log House directly adjacent to Route 42.  A plaque  by the mounds references the “first Ohioans who sleep within”, so at least someone, at one time, thought it was a burial mound (see picture below).

I easily walked all the way around the mound to see it from all sides.  I refrained from walking on top of it, out of respect of those who might be buried within. (Click on images below for a larger view.)

Williamson Mound Park road sign
Log House on U.S. Route 42
Trail sign on way to Williamson Mound
Rock outcropping on the way to Williamson Mound
Williamson Mound
Plaque near Williamson Mound
View of Williamson Mound from trail